Founded in January 2008, the Groupe de Recherche Action Santé (GRAS) is a research institute of private status, internationally recognized, based in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. It has been approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation of Burkina Faso with the authorisation n° 2020/0000669/MESRSI/SG/DGRSI of June 25, 2020, making it a pioneer autonomous institute working in the field of clinical and biomedical research. With a rich quality of research personnel, GRAS’s main motivation is to boost the contribution of the private sector in health research besides the public sector. 

Therefore, it serves as a framework for the gathering, expression, and exchange of expertise to promote excellence for the ultimate benefit of human health. Because of this synergistic convergence, the institute performs high-quality research studies that meet international standards to guide policy decisions for the continuous enhancement of the population’ s health. Since its foundation, the Group has developed and sustained partnerships with many national and international health, academic and research institutions, both private and public.



Our commitment for adoption ofiso 9001/2015 standard To achieve its missions, with the ISO 17050 standard in sight, GRAS is committed to adopting the ISO 9001 version 2015 standard as the main reference for the continuous improvement of its quality management system through the following key quality objectives to implement a quality management system (QMS) in accordance with the ISO 9001/2015 standard and to assess its effectiveness;
  • to deploy the process approach in all areas of GRAS activities
  • tto strengthen the competence of its staff in the management of the QMS;
  • to raise staff awareness of the objectives to be achieved, the actions to be taken and the results to be achieved by involving them in a collaborative approach.
To achieve these objectives, the GRAS board, with full responsibility for the quality management system, is engaged in making available all the necessary financial, material and human resources. It promotes the philosophy of quality on a continuous basis within the institution.


ASTMH 2024 : Comme les précédentes années, le GRAS répond présent

  ASTMH 2024 : Comme les précédentes années, le GRAS répond présent Le Groupe de Recherche Action en Santé (GRAS), comme à son accoutumée, a pris part à l’édition 2024 de l’American Society of Tropical […]

8e Conférence Panafricain sur le paludisme : le GRAS fortement représenté au MIM (Multilateral Initiative on Malaria) à Kigali

Plus d’une dizaine de chercheurs du Groupe de Recherche Action en Santé (GRAS) ont pris part à la 8ème Conférence Panafricaine sur le Paludisme du 21 au 27 avril dernier à Kigali, la capitale rwandaise. […]

Rencontre annuelle de l’Etude ShigaPlexIM : le GRAS y a activement pris part

Rencontre annuelle de l’Etude ShigaPlexIM : le GRAS y a activement pris part La 4e réunion annuelle de l’étude ShigaPlexIM s’est déroulée du 24 au 25 janvier 2024 au Centre Médical Universitaire de Leiden (LUMC) aux […]

11e Forum EDCTP : le GRAS a renforcé son réseau

11e Forum EDCTP : le GRAS a renforcé son réseau Une délégation de chercheurs du Groupe de Recherche Action en Santé (GRAS) a pris part au 11e forum d’EDCTP du 7 au 10 novembre 2023 au […]

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